An Online Business Tool… Available 24/7
With b2b.compositesone.com you have access to product information, order status, purchase summaries, and more.
The Product Center enables users to search for items and save search settings for subsequent use. It also gives access to product availability, safety data sheets (SDS), and other product information to help with purchase decisions.
Need a quote? Try our Quote Request feature in the Product Center. Simply enter the desired product in the search box, and the Quote Request option will become available. Once submitted, a copy of the quote request will be sent, and a customer service representative will email soon after with a quote. Next time the user visits the site, any items already quoted will display a selling price per unit of measure.
Fast, secure, and more user-friendly than ever before, b2b.compositesone.com is available 24/7!
Go green with paperless SDS.
There is now a paperless option for receiving safety data sheets (SDS)? These important documents can be sent straight to any email address! Other documents, such as invoices and notifications, are also available via email.
Sign up for b2b.compositesone.com today.
Not a registered user? Just choose the request access option at b2b.compositesone.com. For more information, email [email protected].