Resources & Tools
Closed Mold Alliance
The Closed Mold Alliance offers educational opportunities, on-site training, and all of the assistance you need to get started. We also organize live demonstrations and advanced techniques education/forums that give you a unique opportunity to learn more about these processes as your experience progresses.
Closed Mold Alliance was developed to offer you the opportunity to learn about closed mold and the steps it takes to be a successful closed mold manufacturer. Through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on learning, participants will learn the basics and details of all three closed mold processes, the steps to building your own tooling, and how to improve your already functioning closed mold facility. You will also gain an understanding of the economics of closed mold conversion, as well as updates in changes in the technologies as they develop. Closed Mold Alliance works with industry experts who offer their expertise toward the education of the composites industry on closed mold processes and the many benefits they offer the manufacturer.
The Road Map to Closed Molding
With experts available in process, systems, and tooling, the Closed Mold Alliance can offer you a Road Map to Closed Mold. This road map is a guide during your closed mold conversion process. Your road map begins with getting the right facts needed to make your decision to convert to one of these processes. The Alliance will provide you with the facts and education that will help you make the right decision for your business. Once your decision is made, we will help direct you through the other necessary steps from process review, to tooling decisions; from pre-production to production; to that all-important follow-up once conversion is complete. And along the way, we will offer you educational programming on the economics of closed molding and the many benefits these processes offer manufacturers today.
Supplier Partners
At Composites One we have many suppliers who are dedicated to working with us to help our customers make the conversion to closed mold processes. You can visit this page where you will find all of the many suppliers who help to support the Closed Mold Alliance.